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Heritage and Angelique in the Race
The annual Great Schooner Race is the best time to see these beautiful vessels dancing around Penobscot Bay. The crews are doing their best to look good, go fast, and give everyone a good show. Heritage (left) and Angelique passed…
Heritage and Mary Day
The schooners Heritage (left) and Mary Day dance around Rockland Harbor during the annual Parade of Sail. Most (but not all) of the original color has been taken out to make this almost black-and-white. Then sepia toning is added to…
Riggin Leaving Rockland
The schooner J&E Riggin leaving Rockland Harbor and approaching Owls Head. Most (but not all) of the original color has been taken out to make this almost black-and-white. Then sepia toning is added to give it a warm and timeless…