A Few Words About The Islands
These islands are incredible but fragile treasures and need the highest possible level of protection. If you're considering a visit to wild Maine islands, please consider the following:
If you spend some time on these islands, these rules will become second nature. The islands command respect and inspire reverence.

The Maine Island Trail Association
Most of the islands visited on this trip are on the Maine Island Trail, a chain of about 80 islands, some public, some private, that are available for use by members only. Membership is only $40 per year but comes with a greater cost: members are expected to not just use the islands but to work to protect, monitor and maintain the islands on the trail.

I've identified MITA islands only by their MITA number, as designated in the Guide Book available to members. It takes a good bit of the poetry out of such an account, but it's necessary. This is not just to keep non-members from visiting the islands without permission, but to protect the privacy of island owners, who graciously permit MITA members to visit their islands.

For more information about MITA, call or write:
Maine Island Trail Association
PO Box C
Rockland ME 04841

41A Union Wharf
Portland ME 04101

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This web site is by Jim Dugan.